
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Movie Review : The Wolverine

So i'm a week late blah blah blah, this is another Wolverine movie blah blah blah how is it well does kind of good count.

So last week i decided to go and watch the wolverine and how is it, well it's a massive improvement on the last wolverine film which, well there is no two ways of going about this, pretty much almost ruined X-Men for all of us with its 5 minuets scenes of mutants we all know and love and fake looking claws. The new film succeeds massively in giving us a closer look at Wolverine and what he is going through after the end of the last x-men film.

Hugh Jackmann as always is awesome as Wolverine really understanding what he is all about and the guy guy absolutely ripped for the role every guy i know myself included dragged themselves to a gym soon after watching the film. Another good point of the film is the scale by making the film more intimate really attaches you to the characters and gives you a sense of who there all about. The action ain't to shabby wither with a fight scene on a train making you realize why jumping out of a train probably will make you end up looking like a battered sheep.

On to the not so good after the first 2/3rds of the film the movie decides to jump into stupid territory and gives up Logan's character journey for a stupid twist ending and fight. Not to say you know I don't like fights in superhero movies, that is some opf the best things about comic-book movies  its just when the rest of the film makes you think Wolverine going to have some big character change by the end of the film and it just sort of ends with him being himself fight some CGI. Another major problem I had with the film was Yukio, she had no chemistry with Logan and with the whole plot of the film being that wolverine has to protect her you dont really get a sense of why she stands out to him more then jean.

All that aside though the film is by no means bad and the scenes after the credits really makes you excited about Days of future past and the sentinels next year. All in all check it out at least once 3/5.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Movie review : Pacific Rim

So Pacific Rim, Guillermo Del Toro's latest in his unique style of film making how does it stack up against this summers movies well, lets just get this out the way, the fight scenes are stunning without a doubt the single biggest strength the film has going for it are the battles that take place through out he film weather from city to ocean each of the major battles really get time to shine. What is even better is the fact that each battle goes on for the perfect amount of time needed. Another major strength of the film beside the Fight scenes are the effects, sets and music. All of which Make the film stand out it could be very easy for a film like Pacific Rim to very easily become overdone with CG effects but instead in uses them along with traditional sets ( I could have sworn they built a giant hand at one point to punch through a building) and a awesome score that gets you pumped up to real have a good time in the cinema.

Where film falls flat a little bit is with the characters. I did not feel attached to any of the characters in the film, they all seemed like cliches in my opinion that not to say the acting was bad its just that in a film where so much time was spend world building and having these breathtaking fights having characters that really meant something would have taken this film to just a fun time to a good/great movie.

Overall though be sure to check it out at least once in Cinemas as it is worth seeing at least once, See it as Independence Day meets Transformers and have yourselves a fun-ish time.


Thursday, 4 July 2013

Movie Review: Despicable me 2

So I went and watched a kids film ... yeah

Despicable me 2 is the second in Illumination entertainments franchise about the Super-villain turned superhero. Honestly I'm just waffling around here mainly because I know absolutely nothing about it, I mean I watched the first one and found it to be small and charming little kids film but nothing overly special apart from the minions who were really cool BTW but the main reason was because I watched Megamind  first which although has a very different story was very similar in terms of characters to this one.

With all that being said a 21 year old man is not the main target group for the movie and I did end up having a good time so if you Under 12 or your a family with nothing else to do In Britain in the summer because lets face it what else are you going to be doing then go and watch it. 3/5

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Movie Review : Man Of Steel

So yes I know i might be almost a week late but here is the review for man of steel, Did fly above the clouds or did it bomb like some kind of kryptonian toilet break (nerd humor ftw) check it out below...

Well i'm glad to say i had a real good time at man of steel and despite a couple of niggling problems here and there i'm glad to say it is well worth your money. I've seen the film twice and I have the same general feelings towards the movie so it must be doing something right. Lets start with the cast how is Henry Cavill as Superman, honestly he knocks it out the park giving us a real feeling that it would honestly suck to be Superman, that you would be warped in guild and anger of not being able to fight back or else you know you could punch someones head off. The two father played by Russel Crowe and Kevin Costner  both give the
film real emotion particularly in Costner's life lesson scenes with a young Clark really shining. the rest of the cast does a bang up job with Amy Adams really making Lois Lane much more then a damsel in distress.

Micheal Shannon whilst not bad in the role by any means could have been more intimidating however if you think he is not actually a bad guy more an antagonist it seems to make a lot more sense.

Hows the story well honestly Its your basic superhero origin story 3 act structure so nothing too special, where the film succeeds is by telling a large part of the film in Flashbacks which means you get to Superman much more quicker.

Now what I didn't Like the actions scenes whilst honestly being probably the beast action I have ever seen in a movie let alone a superhero movie does not take into account the thousands of people that would have died in these Dragon-ball Z up fights. Secondly Superman does something that is likely to piss of a lot of people in the movie towards the end ( not me). Another nitpick I had with the film Is that superman barely Talks when he is on screen so there is little charm there although this being a Superman who just became Superman and really hasn't had a chance to become who he truly is I am willing to forgive it. One final nitpick I have is that the film really did need a little bit more humor spread out across the film even The Dark Knight Rises which was the darkest of Nolan's Batman's did have some genuine funny moments in there.

Overall however Man Of Steel is a fantastic step in the right direction for this new incarnation of Superman and now that the traditional origin story is out the way it could lead to fantastic sequels and maybe even the Justice League. My own Ideas for a sequel would be to bring in Lex Luther in a secondary Villain role maybe he lost someone he cared about in the final fight which leads to his hatred towards superman in the next film so in the next film he uses Kryptonian weapons left after the destruction to help give to the military to fight Superman. Or maybe the next film could deal with the Elite a group of vigilantes who are willing to kill Supervillians and become more popular then superman by doing son ( so yep there goes the extend of my nerd knowledge)

anyhow check it out you wont be disappointed,


Monday, 10 June 2013

One paragraph review: Senna

So it's been a while since I posted a review and thought After Earth but i gladly avoided that ( I hear it's rubbish there is your review of after Earth, I haven't seen it yet maybe if you guys paid me :D). So i got round to watching Senna a documentary about Ayrton Senna a F1 champion who tragically lost his life during a race. The film is really solid focusing both on Senna's life and how he dealt with the politics of the sport. The director used a fantastic range of documentary style footage and live Interviews with Senna to really craft a solid narrative which is fantastic considering he basically had no control over what he wanted in the film. Overall a very good and insightful documentary. 4/5

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Movie review: The Hangover part 3 (aka the shitfest )

So were in blockbuster season, Iron man, Fast and furiouse, Star trek all three movies solid flicks released these past couple of weeks, all have been solid fun movies ... and now we have the hangover 3 which is by far the worst entry into the franchise.

Let me some up how i feel about these movies. The first was an instant classic and is genuinely one of the funniest movies ever made. The second was just basically trying to do what the first was all over again and was not as near as funny as its predecessor. So now it is time for the third movie and i'm sorry to say that this film is just plain shit.

If a comedy film cant make you laugh then it just plain fails, and the hangover 3 does that in spades. I know that comedy and what people find funny is all subjective, heck some of you might even find this movie funny but let me tell you the cinema i was in not a single dude mustered up more then a brief heh. It's sad when the funniest scene of the film is at the post credits.

So has does the film stack up despite you know not being funny, well the cast is all good and bounce off each other alright, mt Chow is more annoying and the film is well shot so its not bad in that sense. The film would make a bland action film but is pretty much a disappointment to us hangover fans.


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Kind of new but not actually that new movie review: 50/50

So Cancer, nothing really funny about it is it, sorry to be all depressing and everything guys but any movie that really deals with it is way to Hollywood and unreletable or takes it to lightly. 50/50 however does a great job of giving an honest portrayal of what happens when a young twenty-something gets it and how it effects the ones around him.

I want into this movie thinking it was a comedy and although there are funny moments in it mainly provided my Seth Rogen ( a friend of his was the inspiration for the story) it is best seen as a straight up drama with Joseph Gordon-Levitt really giving a realistic portrayal of how someone would feel if this had happened to them.

Particular praise should be given to the directer ( i'm sorry I don't know his name I don't know everything about movies dudes) while he could have gone and made the movie massive with loads of fancy camera tricks he decides for the most part to keep everything realistic a slow paced to really make you feel for the characters.

Check it out 5/5

Monday, 20 May 2013

Movie Review: Fast and Furious 6


So the new fast and furious movie hit here in merry old England this past weekend and I got to see it, what followed was one ridiculous but amazing manly action fest.

If you want to know how I feel about the other movies here is a little breakdown for you:

The Fast and the Furious: Pretty good movie 3/5
2 FAST 2 FURIOUS:  2 much of a shitty sequel  222222222/2 ( 2/5)
Tokyo drift: where the hell is Vin diesel 2/5
Fast and Furious: the fuck is the shit wheres all the car chases 1/5

and so now where onto the 6th movie and how does it hold up well I'm happy to say that its's as good as Fast 5 whilst probably the most ridiculous in terms of action. I'm serious at one point there is a flying headbutt and at another Vin Diesel Jumps off a car catches someone mid air and lands at like 70mph at the same time with no damage.

The Plot... erm car chases happen to get a chip and family and stuff, seriously if this film wasn't fun I would be the first one to criticize it but if a film like this does what it set out to accomplish then I have no worries if the story and acting is not up there ( apart from the rock his acting was awesome).

The film really shines in the action scenes with the car chase around London with a flip car and the massive Longest Runway in the world action scene at the end both really shining in a film that is as bright as like a really bright thing. Seriously all the movies that have come out this summer and in my opinion not a single bad one ... hangover next week maybe ...

anyhoo go check it out 4/5.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

One paragraph review : open range

So boys and girls I though that i would decide to do another one of my one paragraph reviews and link it in with a classic movie review open range.

Open range came out in 2003 and I  just saw it and for a western It's pretty good. Its relatively slow paced but takes the time to make you relate to the characters then gives you a kick ass final shoot out scene that really did bring the old style western shootout into the 21st century. The acing is great all across the bored but where the film really shines is in the cinematography with the film really looking like a painting at some points. Overall then a fantastic and enjoyable western for people who generally are not a fan of westerns 4/5

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

So after 4 years we finally get the sequel to one of the best sci-fi films of the past decade... is it any good or is it like getting punched in the face by a triple chinned key bored warrior with no neck ( do you even neck)

Alright so I'm the first one to admit I have never been a fan of star trek , don't get me wrong I used to watch it on T.V now and then ( weekdays after the Simpsons and the fresh prince of course) but after ten minutes or so I was bored out of my mind and was off doing what ten year old kids do. The being said the 2009 film was actually pretty damn good and actually got me to care about this franchise that means a lot to a lot of different people. So after a very long 4 year wait we finally have the sequel and how is it... well although it is not as good as the first ( How could it be it's pretty much awesome incorporated  it still is a very fun and enjoyable action film.

All the performances are stellar with Pine and Quinto particularly cementing their relationship as Kirk and Spock  What would have been better is giving some of the other crew members something to do. Aside from Scotty there honestly just isn't enough for the rest of the cast really to do and finding the right balance for all these characters hasn't work so far. 

That being said the main villain played by Benedict Cuberbatch really pretty much steals the show, whenever John Harrison was not on screen you could really feel it. Another major strength are some of the more technological aspects, the visual effects are stunning and the music and sound effects really make you feel something towards the film.

The biggest weakness however this film has is to me at least somewhat unknown its almost felt like a t.v show at times and the pacing was a little off. What i'm trying to say is that in a film like this that is this big there needs to be sort of a big plan a big scheme and some feeling of threat that people could actually die and the film although having it still didn't feel like it did.

Rating this film will be tricky because it is a solid film its just that living up to the expectations if the last one really makes it tricky so I will give the film a 3/5 this 3 is pretty much like a 3.9 so yeah make of that what you will. 

All in all though it is a solid summer blockbuster and together with Iron Man 3 has given a solid start to this years blockbusters. Here's hoping Fast 6 will be as good as these.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Movie/book review: world war z

So my friends aside from just watching movies id o read books, and by read books i mean the very hungry caterpillar. But seeing as World war z the upsoming zombie flick staring brad pitt is coming out i though i would give you guys and gals a review of the book the film is based upon.

Now bare with me because reviewing a book is almost completely different from a book so let me start off by breaking down the book and what it is about.The book follows an anonymous Interviewer (or max brooks in a breaking the fourth wall author is in the book type things) interviewing a variety of people from the zombie apocalypse. Over the course of the film you see how it started in china and how countries and individuals would react if this were to happen for real.

The great thing about the book and quite honestly the scariest thing about the book is not the gory zombified imagery it has ( don't worry gore fans there's plenty of lengthy descriptions about Zacks as the book calls it with no skin on their face), also a bit of a side note here guys but try getting the battle of Yonkers out of your head once you read the book) but how realistically the book depicts the events, with real countries truly acting like they would and have done in the past to other countries.

Max brooks the author writing is also really gripping making you real feel for individual characters in only a few pages with not all the stories ending in a happy way I mean come on  it is the zombie apocalypse.


Sunday, 28 April 2013

Movie Review : Iron Man 3

So yes boys and girls I have seen Iron man 3  and yes boys and girls It's awesome.

So iron man 3 is finally here (we get to see it a week early here in the good old United Kingdom) and it in my opinion is right up there with the first Iron man film as a frolicking amazing start to the upcoming summer blockbusters.The main plot of the movie is Tony Stark, after the events of the avengers is suffering from a sort of  PTSD and as a result has gone all Howard Hughes on us and dived head first into his work, meanwhile the Mandarin, possibly the most famous Iron man villain from the comics is finally after looming in the background makes his full blown plan known. 

 By now you guys all know that Robert downey jr plays the hero of these movies and it is without a doubt his best performance as Mr Stark which is saying a lot since you know I'm pretty sure he is is Iron man. All the rest of the acting is right up their with him with Don Cheadle finally stepping up to truly feel like Rhodey and the mandarin in particular bringing a really good new direction to what could be perceived as a racist character from the original source material.

Shane Blacks direction is also right up there easily handling some of the best action a superhero movie has delivered yet, this iron man movie is easily Marvels funniest film one particular scene with Tony strapped to a bed is one of the many, many highlights of the movie.

The only major downside I could say to the film is that it takes liberties with a major character that I loved but as far as I can tell has had half the fans applauding the film and the other half left bewildered as to what just happened. Another problem is that while it is a ridiculous amount of fun after seeing superhero movies like the dark knight it doesn't have the depth of that film which is no bad thing but a little depth would have been nice.

Overall watch this film watch it now, if you do not watch this film i do not no why you are not watching it, stop reading this review and start watching it...


...seriously go watch it.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Trailer Talk

Another load of trailers for us dudes to watch and geek out over then realize how nerdy we all really are :D

So the one week that i decide hmm i dont think i need to do trailer talk the week a mountain of trailers modem-rape the internet and im here to talk about em all lets get started...

Man Of Steel.

Man of steel the new superman movie by Zack Snyder, Chris Nolan and staring Henry Cavill is already right up there as one of the most anticipated movies for me to watch this year and this trailer is only bringing this movie to the top of the pack. I've already talked about how awesome I think this movies is going to be in a previous post so instead lets focus on the trailer which offers us a glimpse at the stunning action the film looks like its going to deliver. the final segment alone with Superman going all Dragoball Z on Zod had me smiling from ear to ear check it out.


Now this is our first look at film with an interesting premise, think MIB meets Beetlejuice but I've got to admit this film does not get me excited about the film. Don't get me wrong I think it looks fun and I will probably end up watching it but when your promoting a movie there should be something in the trailer that raises my anticipation a little bit. Anyway the film stars Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges with a fantastic redneck accent i got to admit and is set to open around the end of July.

The Lone Ranger

So this is the 250th trailer or at least it feels that way for the lone ranger and I'm happy to say it's a much better improvement on the last one. I've talked about the film before which is based on an old T.V show that i'm afraid to admit i'v never heard of (sorry dudes before my time).The trailer for me at least did everything the R.I.P.D one did not and the sense of scale im getting from this movie alone looks frickin impressive  despite some flaws i said previously it does look like a cautiously optimistic good time.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Classic movie review; Taxi driver


So a few days ago i watched Taxi driver for the first time, a massive shame i know but my God what have i missed out on. the film pretty much sums up your mood on a shitty day and immerses you on the uncompromising look at crime in New York City during the 1970s.

The film star Robert Di Niro as the taxi driver a Vietnam war veteran who is a bit of a loner and looks at what his city has comes to and takes action. Films like this just don't get made anymore and so watching this for the first time was pretty much mind blowing. from Martin Scorsese' direction to the breathtaking acting and mind twisting end the film just rocks 5/5.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Trailer Talk

Another week another bunch of trailers for us guys to pine over and actually this awww sh@t these movies are ages away

The Hunger Games: catching Fire

Now i'm going to be honest dudes and dudettes, we all know Twilight is bullshit, we all now teen romance drama movies make you want to punch yourself so hard in the face that nothing on the screen can harm you but dammit the hunger games was actually pretty good. By staying away from the overly cliched Love triangle moments and focusing on character I liked the first film, I even liked Gary Ross' direction even though some didn't. The sequel seem winners katniss and peeta ( i think that how you spell it fuck you if I got it wrong)  touring the districts after winning the games. everything looks good so count me in check it out below.


I'm just going to come out and say it because I cant think of anything I think is clever to say whereas you guys probably think the fuck is wrong with the guy... Elysium looks awesome. From the director of district 9 comes this movies and come on just by saying that alone how can you not want to go and watch this movie. The movie stars Matt Damon and Jodie foster and I have absolutely no idea what the hell this film is about. From what i can gather its about the haves and the have nots dueling it out with the rich living in a beautiful space tower whilst the poor living in a piece of shit place. Check it out below and let me know what you think.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Movie Review: Oblivion (2013)

Hey guys,

So seeing as you know I live in the UK and seeing as you know Oblivion came out on like Tuesday or wednesday and seeing as orange Wednesdays are awsome I managed to catch Oblvion, which despite some flaws and overused CGI is good start to the Summer movie season.

The film stars the are-you-really-50-years-old Tom Cruise and former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko and tells the tale of Jack Harper fixing drones in a post Apocalyptic war ridden earth. Now I've got to be honest this film looked, meh it could be alright to me and I'm glad to say yeah it beat my expectations, does that mean the film is flawless, no. Lets talk about the good first. The acting is obviously solid when you get Tom cruise in a film you know you will get a solid performance and is no exception here. Secondly this film goes in very different places. I wont spoil it here but i though i knew what every twist and turn in this film was going to be just after watching the trailer but the movie does a pretty good job of keeping you guessing. The music is also what you would expect with a almost techno tinge to it. The direction is also very good Joseph Kosinski made the film look beautiful and is a better film then his last Tron film.

A couple of the downsides to the film is the pacing. The film is waaaay overlong with the first half really dragging its heels a bit pretty much until Morgan freeman jumps in on the film, seconds the film uses too much blatant CGI, I dunno if it was the designs of the drones but everything just seemed stages and the design of some of the film was a bit off it was like tom cruise was getting attacked by a giant flying Ipods the entire film.

All in all however the film is a fun popcorn film with the ending actually being probably the strong point of the entire film I would say somewhere between a 3 and a 4/5

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Classic Movie Review: 2001 a space oddessy

Alright guys,

I know I know another classic movie you lot are probably thinking how old is this guy 98 or something but no today's classic movie review is 2001: a space oddessy. I'm going to try and keep this short but daaaaayuuuuuuuuum movie. the film is without a doubt a masterpiece, Kubrick direction alone is stunning and the visual effect... this movie was made in the 60s and this thing still   holds up i mean half the movies out today don't have special effects half as good as these :S. The film is basically split up into around 4 small stories and deals with our place in the universe but that is severely underpinning it. Hal 9000 has one of the creepiest movie voices ever and with Kubrick direction you will be shitting bricks for the next couple of days. awesome movie check it out cant recomend it enough 5/5. if you don,t like it go and you know watch Garfield the fat stupid cat or anal and the chipmunks or some other piece of shit good dayyyy :D

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Classic Movie Review : The Count of Monte Cristo 2002

So dudes,

Despite this film coming out a little over ten years ago I out of both weird co-incidence and just plain apprehension (me thinking eh there is no massive special effects in this film looks boring had never seen the Count of Monte Crisco or tcomc as going to call it because seriously typing that out at 1 in the morning after you have just come back home is more then a pain in the ass..Anyhoo I caught a episode of the Simpsons not one of the cool old ones but like a crappy new season where a segment got me thinking about the movie...

Back to the topic then and I am glad to say that TCOMC is just plain awesome  the film which is based on the classic Alexandre Dumas book follows the basic story line of a man wrongly impassioned for stopping Napoleon from starting a revolution and plotting his revenge against those who have wronged him. The film has according to Wikipedia because i'm too lazy too actually go read it divulges from the book a little with some characters missing entirely but honestly the film work in a very organic natural way that you would feel nothing is missing.

The acting is strong across the board with Guy Pearce stealing the show whenever he is on screen, The action particularly the final fight between cavizel and Pearce is also right up there with Pirates of the Caribbean in terms of sword fighting. If there are any downsides to the film it is that after a very solid first hour the second hour does drag a teeny bit as well the final fight that I mentioned earlier finished a little to quickly for my liking but overall a cool classic film,

Check it out 5/5

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

One paragraph reviews: Welcome To The Punch

Stylish, action packed and very very blue is what comes to mind with this very American looking hard man from London movie.The film stars James Mcavoy and Marc Strong as grizzled cop who got shot and bad guy with a heart of gold. Despite you know being good actors and everything the real star of the movie is the director who honestly makes the film pop with awesome swooping shots of the city and expensive looking action scenes despite the films relative low budget. 4/5, which means like you go and see it and everything but not you know if your ill or anything, or if you got herpes, defiantly don't go if you have herpes in fact go to the doctors and get yourself checked out that cant be good.

Monday, 1 April 2013

trailer talk

Alright maggots,

so since I've been away 2012 has come and gone and I've missed a bunch of trailers but instead of looking back  i though hey why not look ahead to some movies that look like your man ovaries will explode in the cinema when you watch em.

That being said most of these movies will prob end up sucking like most movies tend to do nowadays but eh optimism is a good thing to have :D.

The Wolverine

yes despite sucking major ass with x men were-going-to-give Deadpool-and Gambit-30 seconds of screen-time origins wolverine Mr Jackman is a pretty damn good wolverine and he is back with the wolverine based on the epic Chris Claremont Logan in japan saga.

Despite a bit of cgi overload the film does look like a step in the right direction for us wolvie fans, here's hoping

Man of steel 

Yes guys I know you guys have probably already seen this trailer months ago but I haven't talked about it and you guys all love the way I write.

Man of steel comes from director Zack Snyder (300,Watchmen) and is produced by Chris Nolan ( seriously you know what this guy did) and is the retelling of the Superman story we all know and love.

Now I have got to be honest, I actually enjoyed Superman Returns, That being said the film was missing a massive manly fight which this film looks to deliver like a punch to a bag of weird S things that superman threw in superman II (yes, im a comic book nerd I know).

early word on the film is good at test screenings so lets just hope this is not a bag of super crap guys eh.

World War Z

With the walking dead converting me to a major zombie fan I stumbled across the World War Z book which is pretty good, you should check it out, the movie on the other hand looks ehhhhh...

Don't get me wrong Brad Pitt is an awesome actor and the plane scene looks insane but with rumblings of production issues and the film seeming to divulge from the book means it could leave us zombie fans in an awkward position, not as awkward as those dudes we all know in the gym with no muscle who walk around in vests with the words i'm so Hench constantly going through their minds for reassurance, but awkward nonetheless

Long Time No See

Hello world,

Sorry about the gigantic gap between posts people, can you believe its actually been over 1 year since my last post the reasons for keeping me so busy was a gigantic quest involving a ring and some hobbits which in not nerd talk means I've been very busy graduating university  getting on with you know a career and stuff but fear not I am back to here to help with all your important film news as well as general awesome advice for you manly men.

as you guys can see the blogs had a fresh lick of paint so what say you we get on with things eh.....