
Saturday 6 April 2013

Classic Movie Review : The Count of Monte Cristo 2002

So dudes,

Despite this film coming out a little over ten years ago I out of both weird co-incidence and just plain apprehension (me thinking eh there is no massive special effects in this film looks boring had never seen the Count of Monte Crisco or tcomc as going to call it because seriously typing that out at 1 in the morning after you have just come back home is more then a pain in the ass..Anyhoo I caught a episode of the Simpsons not one of the cool old ones but like a crappy new season where a segment got me thinking about the movie...

Back to the topic then and I am glad to say that TCOMC is just plain awesome  the film which is based on the classic Alexandre Dumas book follows the basic story line of a man wrongly impassioned for stopping Napoleon from starting a revolution and plotting his revenge against those who have wronged him. The film has according to Wikipedia because i'm too lazy too actually go read it divulges from the book a little with some characters missing entirely but honestly the film work in a very organic natural way that you would feel nothing is missing.

The acting is strong across the board with Guy Pearce stealing the show whenever he is on screen, The action particularly the final fight between cavizel and Pearce is also right up there with Pirates of the Caribbean in terms of sword fighting. If there are any downsides to the film it is that after a very solid first hour the second hour does drag a teeny bit as well the final fight that I mentioned earlier finished a little to quickly for my liking but overall a cool classic film,

Check it out 5/5

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