
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Classic Movie Review: 2001 a space oddessy

Alright guys,

I know I know another classic movie you lot are probably thinking how old is this guy 98 or something but no today's classic movie review is 2001: a space oddessy. I'm going to try and keep this short but daaaaayuuuuuuuuum movie. the film is without a doubt a masterpiece, Kubrick direction alone is stunning and the visual effect... this movie was made in the 60s and this thing still   holds up i mean half the movies out today don't have special effects half as good as these :S. The film is basically split up into around 4 small stories and deals with our place in the universe but that is severely underpinning it. Hal 9000 has one of the creepiest movie voices ever and with Kubrick direction you will be shitting bricks for the next couple of days. awesome movie check it out cant recomend it enough 5/5. if you don,t like it go and you know watch Garfield the fat stupid cat or anal and the chipmunks or some other piece of shit good dayyyy :D

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