
Sunday 28 April 2013

Movie Review : Iron Man 3

So yes boys and girls I have seen Iron man 3  and yes boys and girls It's awesome.

So iron man 3 is finally here (we get to see it a week early here in the good old United Kingdom) and it in my opinion is right up there with the first Iron man film as a frolicking amazing start to the upcoming summer blockbusters.The main plot of the movie is Tony Stark, after the events of the avengers is suffering from a sort of  PTSD and as a result has gone all Howard Hughes on us and dived head first into his work, meanwhile the Mandarin, possibly the most famous Iron man villain from the comics is finally after looming in the background makes his full blown plan known. 

 By now you guys all know that Robert downey jr plays the hero of these movies and it is without a doubt his best performance as Mr Stark which is saying a lot since you know I'm pretty sure he is is Iron man. All the rest of the acting is right up their with him with Don Cheadle finally stepping up to truly feel like Rhodey and the mandarin in particular bringing a really good new direction to what could be perceived as a racist character from the original source material.

Shane Blacks direction is also right up there easily handling some of the best action a superhero movie has delivered yet, this iron man movie is easily Marvels funniest film one particular scene with Tony strapped to a bed is one of the many, many highlights of the movie.

The only major downside I could say to the film is that it takes liberties with a major character that I loved but as far as I can tell has had half the fans applauding the film and the other half left bewildered as to what just happened. Another problem is that while it is a ridiculous amount of fun after seeing superhero movies like the dark knight it doesn't have the depth of that film which is no bad thing but a little depth would have been nice.

Overall watch this film watch it now, if you do not watch this film i do not no why you are not watching it, stop reading this review and start watching it...


...seriously go watch it.

Monday 22 April 2013

Trailer Talk

Another load of trailers for us dudes to watch and geek out over then realize how nerdy we all really are :D

So the one week that i decide hmm i dont think i need to do trailer talk the week a mountain of trailers modem-rape the internet and im here to talk about em all lets get started...

Man Of Steel.

Man of steel the new superman movie by Zack Snyder, Chris Nolan and staring Henry Cavill is already right up there as one of the most anticipated movies for me to watch this year and this trailer is only bringing this movie to the top of the pack. I've already talked about how awesome I think this movies is going to be in a previous post so instead lets focus on the trailer which offers us a glimpse at the stunning action the film looks like its going to deliver. the final segment alone with Superman going all Dragoball Z on Zod had me smiling from ear to ear check it out.


Now this is our first look at film with an interesting premise, think MIB meets Beetlejuice but I've got to admit this film does not get me excited about the film. Don't get me wrong I think it looks fun and I will probably end up watching it but when your promoting a movie there should be something in the trailer that raises my anticipation a little bit. Anyway the film stars Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges with a fantastic redneck accent i got to admit and is set to open around the end of July.

The Lone Ranger

So this is the 250th trailer or at least it feels that way for the lone ranger and I'm happy to say it's a much better improvement on the last one. I've talked about the film before which is based on an old T.V show that i'm afraid to admit i'v never heard of (sorry dudes before my time).The trailer for me at least did everything the R.I.P.D one did not and the sense of scale im getting from this movie alone looks frickin impressive  despite some flaws i said previously it does look like a cautiously optimistic good time.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Classic movie review; Taxi driver


So a few days ago i watched Taxi driver for the first time, a massive shame i know but my God what have i missed out on. the film pretty much sums up your mood on a shitty day and immerses you on the uncompromising look at crime in New York City during the 1970s.

The film star Robert Di Niro as the taxi driver a Vietnam war veteran who is a bit of a loner and looks at what his city has comes to and takes action. Films like this just don't get made anymore and so watching this for the first time was pretty much mind blowing. from Martin Scorsese' direction to the breathtaking acting and mind twisting end the film just rocks 5/5.

Monday 15 April 2013

Trailer Talk

Another week another bunch of trailers for us guys to pine over and actually this awww sh@t these movies are ages away

The Hunger Games: catching Fire

Now i'm going to be honest dudes and dudettes, we all know Twilight is bullshit, we all now teen romance drama movies make you want to punch yourself so hard in the face that nothing on the screen can harm you but dammit the hunger games was actually pretty good. By staying away from the overly cliched Love triangle moments and focusing on character I liked the first film, I even liked Gary Ross' direction even though some didn't. The sequel seem winners katniss and peeta ( i think that how you spell it fuck you if I got it wrong)  touring the districts after winning the games. everything looks good so count me in check it out below.


I'm just going to come out and say it because I cant think of anything I think is clever to say whereas you guys probably think the fuck is wrong with the guy... Elysium looks awesome. From the director of district 9 comes this movies and come on just by saying that alone how can you not want to go and watch this movie. The movie stars Matt Damon and Jodie foster and I have absolutely no idea what the hell this film is about. From what i can gather its about the haves and the have nots dueling it out with the rich living in a beautiful space tower whilst the poor living in a piece of shit place. Check it out below and let me know what you think.

Friday 12 April 2013

Movie Review: Oblivion (2013)

Hey guys,

So seeing as you know I live in the UK and seeing as you know Oblivion came out on like Tuesday or wednesday and seeing as orange Wednesdays are awsome I managed to catch Oblvion, which despite some flaws and overused CGI is good start to the Summer movie season.

The film stars the are-you-really-50-years-old Tom Cruise and former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko and tells the tale of Jack Harper fixing drones in a post Apocalyptic war ridden earth. Now I've got to be honest this film looked, meh it could be alright to me and I'm glad to say yeah it beat my expectations, does that mean the film is flawless, no. Lets talk about the good first. The acting is obviously solid when you get Tom cruise in a film you know you will get a solid performance and is no exception here. Secondly this film goes in very different places. I wont spoil it here but i though i knew what every twist and turn in this film was going to be just after watching the trailer but the movie does a pretty good job of keeping you guessing. The music is also what you would expect with a almost techno tinge to it. The direction is also very good Joseph Kosinski made the film look beautiful and is a better film then his last Tron film.

A couple of the downsides to the film is the pacing. The film is waaaay overlong with the first half really dragging its heels a bit pretty much until Morgan freeman jumps in on the film, seconds the film uses too much blatant CGI, I dunno if it was the designs of the drones but everything just seemed stages and the design of some of the film was a bit off it was like tom cruise was getting attacked by a giant flying Ipods the entire film.

All in all however the film is a fun popcorn film with the ending actually being probably the strong point of the entire film I would say somewhere between a 3 and a 4/5

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Classic Movie Review: 2001 a space oddessy

Alright guys,

I know I know another classic movie you lot are probably thinking how old is this guy 98 or something but no today's classic movie review is 2001: a space oddessy. I'm going to try and keep this short but daaaaayuuuuuuuuum movie. the film is without a doubt a masterpiece, Kubrick direction alone is stunning and the visual effect... this movie was made in the 60s and this thing still   holds up i mean half the movies out today don't have special effects half as good as these :S. The film is basically split up into around 4 small stories and deals with our place in the universe but that is severely underpinning it. Hal 9000 has one of the creepiest movie voices ever and with Kubrick direction you will be shitting bricks for the next couple of days. awesome movie check it out cant recomend it enough 5/5. if you don,t like it go and you know watch Garfield the fat stupid cat or anal and the chipmunks or some other piece of shit good dayyyy :D

Saturday 6 April 2013

Classic Movie Review : The Count of Monte Cristo 2002

So dudes,

Despite this film coming out a little over ten years ago I out of both weird co-incidence and just plain apprehension (me thinking eh there is no massive special effects in this film looks boring had never seen the Count of Monte Crisco or tcomc as going to call it because seriously typing that out at 1 in the morning after you have just come back home is more then a pain in the ass..Anyhoo I caught a episode of the Simpsons not one of the cool old ones but like a crappy new season where a segment got me thinking about the movie...

Back to the topic then and I am glad to say that TCOMC is just plain awesome  the film which is based on the classic Alexandre Dumas book follows the basic story line of a man wrongly impassioned for stopping Napoleon from starting a revolution and plotting his revenge against those who have wronged him. The film has according to Wikipedia because i'm too lazy too actually go read it divulges from the book a little with some characters missing entirely but honestly the film work in a very organic natural way that you would feel nothing is missing.

The acting is strong across the board with Guy Pearce stealing the show whenever he is on screen, The action particularly the final fight between cavizel and Pearce is also right up there with Pirates of the Caribbean in terms of sword fighting. If there are any downsides to the film it is that after a very solid first hour the second hour does drag a teeny bit as well the final fight that I mentioned earlier finished a little to quickly for my liking but overall a cool classic film,

Check it out 5/5

Wednesday 3 April 2013

One paragraph reviews: Welcome To The Punch

Stylish, action packed and very very blue is what comes to mind with this very American looking hard man from London movie.The film stars James Mcavoy and Marc Strong as grizzled cop who got shot and bad guy with a heart of gold. Despite you know being good actors and everything the real star of the movie is the director who honestly makes the film pop with awesome swooping shots of the city and expensive looking action scenes despite the films relative low budget. 4/5, which means like you go and see it and everything but not you know if your ill or anything, or if you got herpes, defiantly don't go if you have herpes in fact go to the doctors and get yourself checked out that cant be good.

Monday 1 April 2013

trailer talk

Alright maggots,

so since I've been away 2012 has come and gone and I've missed a bunch of trailers but instead of looking back  i though hey why not look ahead to some movies that look like your man ovaries will explode in the cinema when you watch em.

That being said most of these movies will prob end up sucking like most movies tend to do nowadays but eh optimism is a good thing to have :D.

The Wolverine

yes despite sucking major ass with x men were-going-to-give Deadpool-and Gambit-30 seconds of screen-time origins wolverine Mr Jackman is a pretty damn good wolverine and he is back with the wolverine based on the epic Chris Claremont Logan in japan saga.

Despite a bit of cgi overload the film does look like a step in the right direction for us wolvie fans, here's hoping

Man of steel 

Yes guys I know you guys have probably already seen this trailer months ago but I haven't talked about it and you guys all love the way I write.

Man of steel comes from director Zack Snyder (300,Watchmen) and is produced by Chris Nolan ( seriously you know what this guy did) and is the retelling of the Superman story we all know and love.

Now I have got to be honest, I actually enjoyed Superman Returns, That being said the film was missing a massive manly fight which this film looks to deliver like a punch to a bag of weird S things that superman threw in superman II (yes, im a comic book nerd I know).

early word on the film is good at test screenings so lets just hope this is not a bag of super crap guys eh.

World War Z

With the walking dead converting me to a major zombie fan I stumbled across the World War Z book which is pretty good, you should check it out, the movie on the other hand looks ehhhhh...

Don't get me wrong Brad Pitt is an awesome actor and the plane scene looks insane but with rumblings of production issues and the film seeming to divulge from the book means it could leave us zombie fans in an awkward position, not as awkward as those dudes we all know in the gym with no muscle who walk around in vests with the words i'm so Hench constantly going through their minds for reassurance, but awkward nonetheless

Long Time No See

Hello world,

Sorry about the gigantic gap between posts people, can you believe its actually been over 1 year since my last post the reasons for keeping me so busy was a gigantic quest involving a ring and some hobbits which in not nerd talk means I've been very busy graduating university  getting on with you know a career and stuff but fear not I am back to here to help with all your important film news as well as general awesome advice for you manly men.

as you guys can see the blogs had a fresh lick of paint so what say you we get on with things eh.....