
Sunday, 21 July 2013

Movie review : Pacific Rim

So Pacific Rim, Guillermo Del Toro's latest in his unique style of film making how does it stack up against this summers movies well, lets just get this out the way, the fight scenes are stunning without a doubt the single biggest strength the film has going for it are the battles that take place through out he film weather from city to ocean each of the major battles really get time to shine. What is even better is the fact that each battle goes on for the perfect amount of time needed. Another major strength of the film beside the Fight scenes are the effects, sets and music. All of which Make the film stand out it could be very easy for a film like Pacific Rim to very easily become overdone with CG effects but instead in uses them along with traditional sets ( I could have sworn they built a giant hand at one point to punch through a building) and a awesome score that gets you pumped up to real have a good time in the cinema.

Where film falls flat a little bit is with the characters. I did not feel attached to any of the characters in the film, they all seemed like cliches in my opinion that not to say the acting was bad its just that in a film where so much time was spend world building and having these breathtaking fights having characters that really meant something would have taken this film to just a fun time to a good/great movie.

Overall though be sure to check it out at least once in Cinemas as it is worth seeing at least once, See it as Independence Day meets Transformers and have yourselves a fun-ish time.


Thursday, 4 July 2013

Movie Review: Despicable me 2

So I went and watched a kids film ... yeah

Despicable me 2 is the second in Illumination entertainments franchise about the Super-villain turned superhero. Honestly I'm just waffling around here mainly because I know absolutely nothing about it, I mean I watched the first one and found it to be small and charming little kids film but nothing overly special apart from the minions who were really cool BTW but the main reason was because I watched Megamind  first which although has a very different story was very similar in terms of characters to this one.

With all that being said a 21 year old man is not the main target group for the movie and I did end up having a good time so if you Under 12 or your a family with nothing else to do In Britain in the summer because lets face it what else are you going to be doing then go and watch it. 3/5