
Saturday 3 August 2013

Movie Review : The Wolverine

So i'm a week late blah blah blah, this is another Wolverine movie blah blah blah how is it well does kind of good count.

So last week i decided to go and watch the wolverine and how is it, well it's a massive improvement on the last wolverine film which, well there is no two ways of going about this, pretty much almost ruined X-Men for all of us with its 5 minuets scenes of mutants we all know and love and fake looking claws. The new film succeeds massively in giving us a closer look at Wolverine and what he is going through after the end of the last x-men film.

Hugh Jackmann as always is awesome as Wolverine really understanding what he is all about and the guy guy absolutely ripped for the role every guy i know myself included dragged themselves to a gym soon after watching the film. Another good point of the film is the scale by making the film more intimate really attaches you to the characters and gives you a sense of who there all about. The action ain't to shabby wither with a fight scene on a train making you realize why jumping out of a train probably will make you end up looking like a battered sheep.

On to the not so good after the first 2/3rds of the film the movie decides to jump into stupid territory and gives up Logan's character journey for a stupid twist ending and fight. Not to say you know I don't like fights in superhero movies, that is some opf the best things about comic-book movies  its just when the rest of the film makes you think Wolverine going to have some big character change by the end of the film and it just sort of ends with him being himself fight some CGI. Another major problem I had with the film was Yukio, she had no chemistry with Logan and with the whole plot of the film being that wolverine has to protect her you dont really get a sense of why she stands out to him more then jean.

All that aside though the film is by no means bad and the scenes after the credits really makes you excited about Days of future past and the sentinels next year. All in all check it out at least once 3/5.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Movie review : Pacific Rim

So Pacific Rim, Guillermo Del Toro's latest in his unique style of film making how does it stack up against this summers movies well, lets just get this out the way, the fight scenes are stunning without a doubt the single biggest strength the film has going for it are the battles that take place through out he film weather from city to ocean each of the major battles really get time to shine. What is even better is the fact that each battle goes on for the perfect amount of time needed. Another major strength of the film beside the Fight scenes are the effects, sets and music. All of which Make the film stand out it could be very easy for a film like Pacific Rim to very easily become overdone with CG effects but instead in uses them along with traditional sets ( I could have sworn they built a giant hand at one point to punch through a building) and a awesome score that gets you pumped up to real have a good time in the cinema.

Where film falls flat a little bit is with the characters. I did not feel attached to any of the characters in the film, they all seemed like cliches in my opinion that not to say the acting was bad its just that in a film where so much time was spend world building and having these breathtaking fights having characters that really meant something would have taken this film to just a fun time to a good/great movie.

Overall though be sure to check it out at least once in Cinemas as it is worth seeing at least once, See it as Independence Day meets Transformers and have yourselves a fun-ish time.


Thursday 4 July 2013

Movie Review: Despicable me 2

So I went and watched a kids film ... yeah

Despicable me 2 is the second in Illumination entertainments franchise about the Super-villain turned superhero. Honestly I'm just waffling around here mainly because I know absolutely nothing about it, I mean I watched the first one and found it to be small and charming little kids film but nothing overly special apart from the minions who were really cool BTW but the main reason was because I watched Megamind  first which although has a very different story was very similar in terms of characters to this one.

With all that being said a 21 year old man is not the main target group for the movie and I did end up having a good time so if you Under 12 or your a family with nothing else to do In Britain in the summer because lets face it what else are you going to be doing then go and watch it. 3/5

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Movie Review : Man Of Steel

So yes I know i might be almost a week late but here is the review for man of steel, Did fly above the clouds or did it bomb like some kind of kryptonian toilet break (nerd humor ftw) check it out below...

Well i'm glad to say i had a real good time at man of steel and despite a couple of niggling problems here and there i'm glad to say it is well worth your money. I've seen the film twice and I have the same general feelings towards the movie so it must be doing something right. Lets start with the cast how is Henry Cavill as Superman, honestly he knocks it out the park giving us a real feeling that it would honestly suck to be Superman, that you would be warped in guild and anger of not being able to fight back or else you know you could punch someones head off. The two father played by Russel Crowe and Kevin Costner  both give the
film real emotion particularly in Costner's life lesson scenes with a young Clark really shining. the rest of the cast does a bang up job with Amy Adams really making Lois Lane much more then a damsel in distress.

Micheal Shannon whilst not bad in the role by any means could have been more intimidating however if you think he is not actually a bad guy more an antagonist it seems to make a lot more sense.

Hows the story well honestly Its your basic superhero origin story 3 act structure so nothing too special, where the film succeeds is by telling a large part of the film in Flashbacks which means you get to Superman much more quicker.

Now what I didn't Like the actions scenes whilst honestly being probably the beast action I have ever seen in a movie let alone a superhero movie does not take into account the thousands of people that would have died in these Dragon-ball Z up fights. Secondly Superman does something that is likely to piss of a lot of people in the movie towards the end ( not me). Another nitpick I had with the film Is that superman barely Talks when he is on screen so there is little charm there although this being a Superman who just became Superman and really hasn't had a chance to become who he truly is I am willing to forgive it. One final nitpick I have is that the film really did need a little bit more humor spread out across the film even The Dark Knight Rises which was the darkest of Nolan's Batman's did have some genuine funny moments in there.

Overall however Man Of Steel is a fantastic step in the right direction for this new incarnation of Superman and now that the traditional origin story is out the way it could lead to fantastic sequels and maybe even the Justice League. My own Ideas for a sequel would be to bring in Lex Luther in a secondary Villain role maybe he lost someone he cared about in the final fight which leads to his hatred towards superman in the next film so in the next film he uses Kryptonian weapons left after the destruction to help give to the military to fight Superman. Or maybe the next film could deal with the Elite a group of vigilantes who are willing to kill Supervillians and become more popular then superman by doing son ( so yep there goes the extend of my nerd knowledge)

anyhow check it out you wont be disappointed,


Monday 10 June 2013

One paragraph review: Senna

So it's been a while since I posted a review and thought After Earth but i gladly avoided that ( I hear it's rubbish there is your review of after Earth, I haven't seen it yet maybe if you guys paid me :D). So i got round to watching Senna a documentary about Ayrton Senna a F1 champion who tragically lost his life during a race. The film is really solid focusing both on Senna's life and how he dealt with the politics of the sport. The director used a fantastic range of documentary style footage and live Interviews with Senna to really craft a solid narrative which is fantastic considering he basically had no control over what he wanted in the film. Overall a very good and insightful documentary. 4/5

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Movie review: The Hangover part 3 (aka the shitfest )

So were in blockbuster season, Iron man, Fast and furiouse, Star trek all three movies solid flicks released these past couple of weeks, all have been solid fun movies ... and now we have the hangover 3 which is by far the worst entry into the franchise.

Let me some up how i feel about these movies. The first was an instant classic and is genuinely one of the funniest movies ever made. The second was just basically trying to do what the first was all over again and was not as near as funny as its predecessor. So now it is time for the third movie and i'm sorry to say that this film is just plain shit.

If a comedy film cant make you laugh then it just plain fails, and the hangover 3 does that in spades. I know that comedy and what people find funny is all subjective, heck some of you might even find this movie funny but let me tell you the cinema i was in not a single dude mustered up more then a brief heh. It's sad when the funniest scene of the film is at the post credits.

So has does the film stack up despite you know not being funny, well the cast is all good and bounce off each other alright, mt Chow is more annoying and the film is well shot so its not bad in that sense. The film would make a bland action film but is pretty much a disappointment to us hangover fans.


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Kind of new but not actually that new movie review: 50/50

So Cancer, nothing really funny about it is it, sorry to be all depressing and everything guys but any movie that really deals with it is way to Hollywood and unreletable or takes it to lightly. 50/50 however does a great job of giving an honest portrayal of what happens when a young twenty-something gets it and how it effects the ones around him.

I want into this movie thinking it was a comedy and although there are funny moments in it mainly provided my Seth Rogen ( a friend of his was the inspiration for the story) it is best seen as a straight up drama with Joseph Gordon-Levitt really giving a realistic portrayal of how someone would feel if this had happened to them.

Particular praise should be given to the directer ( i'm sorry I don't know his name I don't know everything about movies dudes) while he could have gone and made the movie massive with loads of fancy camera tricks he decides for the most part to keep everything realistic a slow paced to really make you feel for the characters.

Check it out 5/5