So yes I know i might be almost a week late but here is the review for man of steel, Did fly above the clouds or did it bomb like some kind of kryptonian toilet break (nerd humor ftw) check it out below...
Well i'm glad to say i had a real good time at man of steel and despite a couple of niggling problems here and there i'm glad to say it is well worth your money. I've seen the film twice and I have the same general feelings towards the movie so it must be doing something right. Lets start with the cast how is Henry Cavill as Superman, honestly he knocks it out the park giving us a real feeling that it would honestly suck to be Superman, that you would be warped in guild and anger of not being able to fight back or else you know you could punch someones head off. The two father played by Russel Crowe and Kevin Costner both give the
film real emotion particularly in Costner's life lesson scenes with a young Clark really shining. the rest of the cast does a bang up job with Amy Adams really making Lois Lane much more then a damsel in distress.
Micheal Shannon whilst not bad in the role by any means could have been more intimidating however if you think he is not actually a bad guy more an antagonist it seems to make a lot more sense.
Hows the story well honestly Its your basic superhero origin story 3 act structure so nothing too special, where the film succeeds is by telling a large part of the film in Flashbacks which means you get to Superman much more quicker.
Now what I didn't Like the actions scenes whilst honestly being probably the beast action I have ever seen in a movie let alone a superhero movie does not take into account the thousands of people that would have died in these Dragon-ball Z up fights. Secondly Superman does something that is likely to piss of a lot of people in the movie towards the end ( not me). Another nitpick I had with the film Is that superman barely Talks when he is on screen so there is little charm there although this being a Superman who just became Superman and really hasn't had a chance to become who he truly is I am willing to forgive it. One final nitpick I have is that the film really did need a little bit more humor spread out across the film even The Dark Knight Rises which was the darkest of Nolan's Batman's did have some genuine funny moments in there.
Overall however Man Of Steel is a fantastic step in the right direction for this new incarnation of Superman and now that the traditional origin story is out the way it could lead to fantastic sequels and maybe even the Justice League. My own Ideas for a sequel would be to bring in Lex Luther in a secondary Villain role maybe he lost someone he cared about in the final fight which leads to his hatred towards superman in the next film so in the next film he uses Kryptonian weapons left after the destruction to help give to the military to fight Superman. Or maybe the next film could deal with the Elite a group of vigilantes who are willing to kill Supervillians and become more popular then superman by doing son ( so yep there goes the extend of my nerd knowledge)
anyhow check it out you wont be disappointed,