
Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Movie review: The Hangover part 3 (aka the shitfest )

So were in blockbuster season, Iron man, Fast and furiouse, Star trek all three movies solid flicks released these past couple of weeks, all have been solid fun movies ... and now we have the hangover 3 which is by far the worst entry into the franchise.

Let me some up how i feel about these movies. The first was an instant classic and is genuinely one of the funniest movies ever made. The second was just basically trying to do what the first was all over again and was not as near as funny as its predecessor. So now it is time for the third movie and i'm sorry to say that this film is just plain shit.

If a comedy film cant make you laugh then it just plain fails, and the hangover 3 does that in spades. I know that comedy and what people find funny is all subjective, heck some of you might even find this movie funny but let me tell you the cinema i was in not a single dude mustered up more then a brief heh. It's sad when the funniest scene of the film is at the post credits.

So has does the film stack up despite you know not being funny, well the cast is all good and bounce off each other alright, mt Chow is more annoying and the film is well shot so its not bad in that sense. The film would make a bland action film but is pretty much a disappointment to us hangover fans.


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Kind of new but not actually that new movie review: 50/50

So Cancer, nothing really funny about it is it, sorry to be all depressing and everything guys but any movie that really deals with it is way to Hollywood and unreletable or takes it to lightly. 50/50 however does a great job of giving an honest portrayal of what happens when a young twenty-something gets it and how it effects the ones around him.

I want into this movie thinking it was a comedy and although there are funny moments in it mainly provided my Seth Rogen ( a friend of his was the inspiration for the story) it is best seen as a straight up drama with Joseph Gordon-Levitt really giving a realistic portrayal of how someone would feel if this had happened to them.

Particular praise should be given to the directer ( i'm sorry I don't know his name I don't know everything about movies dudes) while he could have gone and made the movie massive with loads of fancy camera tricks he decides for the most part to keep everything realistic a slow paced to really make you feel for the characters.

Check it out 5/5

Monday, 20 May 2013

Movie Review: Fast and Furious 6


So the new fast and furious movie hit here in merry old England this past weekend and I got to see it, what followed was one ridiculous but amazing manly action fest.

If you want to know how I feel about the other movies here is a little breakdown for you:

The Fast and the Furious: Pretty good movie 3/5
2 FAST 2 FURIOUS:  2 much of a shitty sequel  222222222/2 ( 2/5)
Tokyo drift: where the hell is Vin diesel 2/5
Fast and Furious: the fuck is the shit wheres all the car chases 1/5

and so now where onto the 6th movie and how does it hold up well I'm happy to say that its's as good as Fast 5 whilst probably the most ridiculous in terms of action. I'm serious at one point there is a flying headbutt and at another Vin Diesel Jumps off a car catches someone mid air and lands at like 70mph at the same time with no damage.

The Plot... erm car chases happen to get a chip and family and stuff, seriously if this film wasn't fun I would be the first one to criticize it but if a film like this does what it set out to accomplish then I have no worries if the story and acting is not up there ( apart from the rock his acting was awesome).

The film really shines in the action scenes with the car chase around London with a flip car and the massive Longest Runway in the world action scene at the end both really shining in a film that is as bright as like a really bright thing. Seriously all the movies that have come out this summer and in my opinion not a single bad one ... hangover next week maybe ...

anyhoo go check it out 4/5.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

One paragraph review : open range

So boys and girls I though that i would decide to do another one of my one paragraph reviews and link it in with a classic movie review open range.

Open range came out in 2003 and I  just saw it and for a western It's pretty good. Its relatively slow paced but takes the time to make you relate to the characters then gives you a kick ass final shoot out scene that really did bring the old style western shootout into the 21st century. The acing is great all across the bored but where the film really shines is in the cinematography with the film really looking like a painting at some points. Overall then a fantastic and enjoyable western for people who generally are not a fan of westerns 4/5

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

So after 4 years we finally get the sequel to one of the best sci-fi films of the past decade... is it any good or is it like getting punched in the face by a triple chinned key bored warrior with no neck ( do you even neck)

Alright so I'm the first one to admit I have never been a fan of star trek , don't get me wrong I used to watch it on T.V now and then ( weekdays after the Simpsons and the fresh prince of course) but after ten minutes or so I was bored out of my mind and was off doing what ten year old kids do. The being said the 2009 film was actually pretty damn good and actually got me to care about this franchise that means a lot to a lot of different people. So after a very long 4 year wait we finally have the sequel and how is it... well although it is not as good as the first ( How could it be it's pretty much awesome incorporated  it still is a very fun and enjoyable action film.

All the performances are stellar with Pine and Quinto particularly cementing their relationship as Kirk and Spock  What would have been better is giving some of the other crew members something to do. Aside from Scotty there honestly just isn't enough for the rest of the cast really to do and finding the right balance for all these characters hasn't work so far. 

That being said the main villain played by Benedict Cuberbatch really pretty much steals the show, whenever John Harrison was not on screen you could really feel it. Another major strength are some of the more technological aspects, the visual effects are stunning and the music and sound effects really make you feel something towards the film.

The biggest weakness however this film has is to me at least somewhat unknown its almost felt like a t.v show at times and the pacing was a little off. What i'm trying to say is that in a film like this that is this big there needs to be sort of a big plan a big scheme and some feeling of threat that people could actually die and the film although having it still didn't feel like it did.

Rating this film will be tricky because it is a solid film its just that living up to the expectations if the last one really makes it tricky so I will give the film a 3/5 this 3 is pretty much like a 3.9 so yeah make of that what you will. 

All in all though it is a solid summer blockbuster and together with Iron Man 3 has given a solid start to this years blockbusters. Here's hoping Fast 6 will be as good as these.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Movie/book review: world war z

So my friends aside from just watching movies id o read books, and by read books i mean the very hungry caterpillar. But seeing as World war z the upsoming zombie flick staring brad pitt is coming out i though i would give you guys and gals a review of the book the film is based upon.

Now bare with me because reviewing a book is almost completely different from a book so let me start off by breaking down the book and what it is about.The book follows an anonymous Interviewer (or max brooks in a breaking the fourth wall author is in the book type things) interviewing a variety of people from the zombie apocalypse. Over the course of the film you see how it started in china and how countries and individuals would react if this were to happen for real.

The great thing about the book and quite honestly the scariest thing about the book is not the gory zombified imagery it has ( don't worry gore fans there's plenty of lengthy descriptions about Zacks as the book calls it with no skin on their face), also a bit of a side note here guys but try getting the battle of Yonkers out of your head once you read the book) but how realistically the book depicts the events, with real countries truly acting like they would and have done in the past to other countries.

Max brooks the author writing is also really gripping making you real feel for individual characters in only a few pages with not all the stories ending in a happy way I mean come on  it is the zombie apocalypse.
